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Perinatal Anxiety and/or Depression

Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa (PADA)

We are a national charity that provides advocacy and awareness through training and facilitating connections and tools for health care providers who are supporting families with anxiety & depression due to pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting.

Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand Postnatal Depression

The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand is a charity that works towards creating a society free from discrimination, where all people enjoy positive mental health & wellbeing. Improving individuals, whanau, organisations and communities.

This page provides information about postnatal depression including symptoms, treatment options and resources.

Small Steps

Small Steps are digital tools, developed by Te Hiringa Hauora in partnership with Clearhead. The Small Steps website is a place where people of Aotearoa (and further abroad!) can take small steps on their journey to improve wellbeing.

Mothers Helpers

Mothers Helpers can support you and help you find hope and joy in your family life again.

Just A Thought

Just a Thought is here to teach you how to manage your thoughts and feelings to help you improve your well being.

Mothers Matter

Mothers Matter is a collaboration of committed individuals, health professionals and parents who are united in a common goal to improve perinatal care for all women in New Zealand.

Pregnancy Support

Positively Pregnant App

A free New Zealand based tool that helps you think, plan and find the resources and strategies that work for you and your growing family to stay healthy and happy during this important time.

Baby Loss Support


Support for bereaved families, parents and whānau in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Miscarriage Support

Support website for families experiencing miscarriage in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Miscarriage Matters

Miscarriage Information for New Zealanders.


Parent Help

Parenting helpline and counselling service for all parents, caregivers and whānau in Aotearoa. No issue is too big or too small for us.

0800 568 856 From 9am to 9pm 7 days a week.

Anxiety NZ

Our Helpline gives vital support to people of any age who experience all forms of anxiety, including Panic Attacks, Phobias and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and to family or friends supporting someone with anxiety.

0800 269 4389 (0800 ANXIETY)

Depression NZ

If you need someone to talk to about the way you are feeling, the Depression Helpline is available 24/7. You can contact them free via:

0800 111 757 or text 4202

Traumatic Birth

Birth Talk

Birth Talk offers support to whanau healing from birth trauma, grief and disappointment.  They can help you plan a positive birth and support you following a caesarian.

Birth Trauma Aotearoa

Birth Trauma Aotearoa is a Registered Charitable Trust working in the birth trauma space across Aotearoa New Zealand. We work towards an Aotearoa where all women, birthing people and their whānau have the opportunity to experience safe, respectful, nurtured, birth and where whānau have easy access to effective and equitable support and treatment following trauma and injury.

Healing Birth

Healing Birth provides a service for women and their partners who have experienced birth trauma. 

Support For Fathers

Father and Child Trust

Father and Child Trust supports fathers to be the most effective and engaged dads they can be – creating a happier healthier, safer future for our children/tamariki.

Kidz Need Dadz

Kidz Need Dadz' mission is to help New Zealand men be the best fathers they can be. Through education and support we help dads to play an active part in their children's lives.

The Male Room - Nelson

The Male Room provides practical steps and a listening ear to help you make sense of your situation and get you through the other side.

Rise - Dads Programme

The Dads Programme at Rise helps you learn skills, tools, and insights to be a confident, connected, and compassionate parent. Dads and anyone who is in a father-role with children can sign up for this free 12-week course.

Relationship Support

Life Linc Couples Counselling

We are a small local charity who provide affordable, professional counselling to individuals and couples who would not otherwise be able to access it.

Skylight Trust

Supporting children, young people, and their whānau to navigate through tough times by building resilient individuals and communities.

Practical Support

Bellyful Nelson

Bellyful supports unique community relationships where we connect recipient whānau, volunteers, referrers, local businesses, funders, and supporters. We work together to grow a sense of community.


Plunket is a charity and Aotearoa’s largest support service for the health and wellbeing of tamariki under-five and their whānau.

Nelson District Parents Centre

Nelson District Parents Centre encourages and empowers local families with pregnancy, childbirth education, new parent classes, parenting workshops, and community events. We have been supporting families across Nelson Tasman for nearly 50 years.

Fifeshire Foundation

Fifeshire Foundation is a charitable Trust which was started to raise money locally to support local people in need. Since 1993 our aim remains the same, to help people in crisis, and to help people make longer term changes in their lives.

Raising Children

Raising Children Media Ltd is a media company set up to support parents by providing them with quality video content about everyday subjects.

Women's Refuge

New Zealand’s largest nation-wide organisation that supports and helps women and children experiencing family violence. Our vision is for all women and children in Aotearoa to live free from domestic and family violence.

Te Piki Oranga Well Child Tamariki Ora Services

Supporting pēpi, tamariki and & whānau to thrive togetherThe Well Child Tamariki Ora Service is here to support the whānau of pēpi and young tamariki. Our specialist Tamariki Ora nurses can help you through the early days and years of raising your tamariki. We provide professional, accessible kaupapa Māori wellness services that align to the concepts of whānau ora and tino rangatiratanga. Our kaimahi (staff) have a wealth of skills, experience and tikanga Māori.


Local Counsellors specialising in Antenatal and Postnatal Depression and/or Anxiety

Briar Rose

Phone: 022 164 9781

Jane Brash

Phone: 021 207 4291

Denise Nell

Phone: 027 547 9676

Christele Gardys

Phone: 027 500 1630

Emma Waring

Phone: 027 533 3110

Jo Hender

Phone: 021 264 7559



As New Zealand’s largest children’s charity, we offer a broad range of services for children, families and whānau throughout Aotearoa.

Nelson Tasman Kindergartens

The Whānau Awhi team Walk alongside tamariki and their whānau who are confronted with challenges that can have an impact on their health and well-being, social, education and financial situations.

Rise - Dad's Programme

The Dads Programme at Rise helps you learn skills, tools, and insights to be a confident, connected, and compassionate parent. Dads and anyone who is in a father-role with children can sign up for this free 12-week course.